The GPT Store is Open

by | Jan 10, 2024 | AI, GPT | 0 comments

You can bet I’m going to get in on this. I’ve actually already made more than half a dozen custom GPTs just testing concepts and also building a few helpers for my own personal use. Based on that experience, I’d say getting some kind of business started on the GPT store is more than doable if you’re persistent enough.

Unfortunately that does mean I have to play catch up for a little while. I was aware the GPT store was opening this week, but I haven’t had the time I’d like to prepare. I’m still building another website specifically for GPT powered apps, but I’m considering using the Praedian Records main site for that purpose if it starts looking better suited to that. After all, since the main blog is on a subdomain, this quiet little slice of the internet has been struggling to justify its existence for a while now.

This might be the niche I was looking for. We’re about to find out one way or another.

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